Children must be 5 by December 31st of the year in which they attend.
Ratio: 13:2
Program Days and Times: Students meet 5 days a week based on the following schedule:
Mondays, Wednesday or Tuesday, Thursday: 8:45 – 1:15
Mondays, Wednesday or Tuesday, Thursday: 8:45 – 3:00
Fridays: 8:45 – 1:15
The Kindergarten Program allows teachers and children to engage in meaningful work by researching themes that develop from children’s interests and ideas. This method of discovery is called the Project Approach which is endorsed by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Activities are designed to encourage children to work individually, in small groups, or with the whole classroom community. Morning meeting provides the focus of a kindergartner’s day: children participate in shared reading and other group activities, prepare for task time and play centers, share information about a current topic, and practice being active listeners and effective speakers.
Pre-reading and reading skills are acquired through a combination of whole language and phonics. We use guided reading to instruct each child at her/his own developmental level. This approach also builds children’s feelings of accomplishment and keeps their interest levels high.
In math, a variety of manipulatives are used to help a child’s understanding progress from concrete to abstract mathematical concepts. Problem solving is encouraged through oral math sentences, games, and situations from everyday life. Our math curriculum utilizes Singapore Math, which is used in the Westport Public Schools. We hope children will discover all the possibilities of reaching a solution.
The curriculum also includes: art, music, Spanish, physical education, science and yoga.
At LCDS, children have many opportunities to plan, evaluate their work, and revisit learning experiences. They are encouraged to be independent thinkers and learners. As members of a classroom community, children learn to be socially responsible and responsive, and to respect individual differences. Our goal is to educate the whole child.
The Learning Community Kindergarten is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children and licensed by the State of Connecticut.